Mycelx, Filters, Solution For Hydrocarbon Pollution, Mycelx Filters, Mycelx products, Filter Cartridges, Mumbai, India
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 World wide solution for Hydrocarbon pollution

Clearsep Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd. are the authorised marketing agents in INDIA for patented and revolutionary "MYCELX" infused filter products manufactured by MYCELX Technologies Corporation, USA.

Essentially these"MYCELX" infused filter products are used for complete removal of oil traces / hydrocarbon / grease / pesticides & POPs (persistent organic pollutants), organically bound metals etc. from process / wastewater / effluent water or any similar streams in single pass with an efficiency of 99.99%. And it does so with the least pressure drop, which is not normally more than 1 PSI.

bullet_small  How does it function?
bullet_small  What are standard MYCELX products?
bullet_small  What are the materials captured by MYCELX ?
bullet_small  Where can you use MYCELX Filters in your plant?
bullet_small  What are the key features of MYCELX compared other 'polishing' technologies ?
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How does MYCELX function?

 MYCELX filters are engineered to permanently remove hydrocarbons ranging from oil to gasoline from water. MYCELX instantly solubilizes the hydrocarbon compounds and bonds them into its surface, keeping them from separating and emulsifying.

MYCELX Products:

Beyond the Filter cartridges, Mycelx has a full line of oil spill remediation materials like Mycelx Filter sand, Mycelx Silakleen, Reverse Osmosis Protection Filters etc.

Materials captured MYCELX

Aromatic Hydrocarbons (BTEX)
Aliphatic Hydrocarbons & Solvents
Crude oil & Fuel /Sheen
Chlorinated Organics
Pesticides & POPs
Organic Polymers
Vegetable Oils & Animal Fats
Chelated Heavy Metals
Silicone Oil

Where MYCELX can be used?

Ideally it can be used wherever oil traces / hydrocarbon are to be completely removed from water streams or similar streams. However some standard applications are
ª Cooling towers & Heat exchangers
ª Pre & Post Reverse osmosis, Ultra Filtration & Ion
Exchange ª Compressor Condensate ª Boiler Blow down ª Storm water ª Ground water
Remediation ª Process water / waste water ª Tank farms & Terminals etc.
Also MYCELX can be effectively in the following specific areas as well,
polishing oil/water separator effluent down below discharge requirements
treating tank "water bottoms" on site, in combination with other technologies
treating rainwater / hydrocarbons inside loading rack enclosures
treating hydrostatic test water following tank or pipe cleaning / repairing
treating effluent from sludge dewatering
treating truck wash wastestream in conjunction with other technologies
treating construction site dewatering effluent & ground water following solids removal
capturing spills on water including sheen

Key features that differentiate MYCELX products from other " polishing " technologies:

permanently bonds hydrocarbons to the filters and spill products (including sheen) due to MYCELX 's viscoelastic nature
single pass removal efficiency is 99.99%, regardless of flow rates
fixed footprint for housings - small space required - can be adopted for mobile use - simple installation -gravity flow capable

MYCELX is "fixed" in the filter - NO metering, NO chemical handling and NO guess work

About this outstanding MYCELX polishing technology, one more interesting aspect is while capturing oil they hardly cause any pressure drop. Besides they do not have any limit to cumulative flow through the filters, limit is only for amount of oil to be captured. Once the cartridge gets saturated with oil, though it doesn't offer pressure drop even at this stage, it won't be able to capture oil any further and hence time to replace the cartridge.

To know more about MYCELX products we invite you to visit our principal's website at  and for any more information kindly be in touch with us if you are based in INDIA.

For your requirement of MYCELX products mail us at   mail giving us details of your application, particularly about the flow rate, oil content, operating pressure & temperature etc.

Mycelx Filter Saturation Photos

Mycelx, Filters, Solution For Hydrocarbon Pollution, Mycelx Filters, Mycelx products, Filter Cartridges, Mumbai, India


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