Design, Manufacture, Supply Of Clean-In-Place Type Separation/ Filtration Equipment & System, Wedge Wire Candle Filter, Wiremesh Cartridge Filter, Jacketed Candle Filters, Mumbai, India
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Manufacture Of Clean In Place System, Wedge Wire Candle Filter, Jacketed Candle Filters, Seawater Filter, Mumbai, India

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CIP (Clean - in - Place) Type Product Range bullet_small Candle Filter  bullet_small Turbo Edge Filter bullet_small Automatic Self Cleaning Filter (SCF) bullet_small Automatic Back Flushing Filter (SBF) bullet_small Pressure Leaf Filter  bullet_small DSM Screen ('Coanda Effect' Static Screen)  bullet_small Welded Wedge Wire Candle Filter   Non-CIP (Clean - In - Place) Type Product Range  : bullet_small Single, Multi Bag Filter  bullet_small Single / Duplex Filter  bullet_small Horizontal Plate Filter bullet_small Wedge Wire Basket Filter bullet_small Cartridge Filter bullet_small In-Line Basket Filter

Rotating Brush Type   |   Piston Operated Type    |   Auto Backflushing Type    |   Multiplex Type   |   Scraper Type


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